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Big Things Coming Up

Hi all! Just a quick Tuesday announcement of some big things in the next few weeks. My short story, Welcome to Las Vegas, officially releases next Thursday, November 1st. But because I love you guys, I’m letting you know it’s currently available on Amazon and Smashwords.

Tate is afraid of the dark. But his junkie sister has disappeared into the terrifying storm drains below Las Vegas. The tunnels stretch hundreds of miles beneath the city, housing the homeless and Sin City’s criminal element. Armed with only his flashlight, Tate wades into the gritty depths of the storm drains to rescue his sister from her demons.

Every step into the smothering darkness challenges Tate’s resolve. With his sister’s life and his own sanity at stake, Tate must face his fears or risk fading into the dank oblivion of the Las Vegas tunnels.

Contains an exclusive excerpt of INTO THE DARK.

The cover was done by Laura Morrigan, and she did a great job. Also thanks to Shannon Jones Janeczak, Stacey Joy Netzel, Kristine Kelly, and Julie Glover for their editing help.

I’ve also got an official Amazon Author Page and a Goodreads Author Page. Feel free to check out/like/review.

INTO THE DARK has received its first 5-Star Review!

Some highlights:

“Well written and skillfully crafted…”
“Characters quickly come alive and keep gaining depth throughout the book…”
“While the thriller plot kept me turning the pages, INTO THE DARK is also an intelligent study of how past actions and events affect who we are and what we strive for…”
“Highly recommended.”

Read the full review here.

Contest Alert!

The official release of Welcome to Las Vegas will also kick off the INTO THE DARK Charity Blog Tour, and you’ll hear more about that next week. However, I’m planning some very special extras, and in order to get the advanced scoop – and a chance at a signed print copy of INTO THE DARK – you’ll need to sign up for my newsletter. The first edition will go out November 9th, and the winner of the signed print copy will be announced then as well, so you’ll need to be signed up by then. Go HERE to add your name to the mailing list.

INTO THE DARK’s cover reveal is October 29th at Night Owl Reviews. They will be running a contest, and I’ll send a reminder to you all. I’m sure it will be great, so don’t miss it. I’m also really proud of the cover, because my artist was able to use a stock photo I’ve had forever but couldn’t use.

Thank you all so much for your awesome support! Can’t wait to share INTO THE DARK with you all!

18 comments on… “Big Things Coming Up”

    • Thanks Amber. It’s all very nerve wracking, but I’ve had a ton of support from WANA and other author friends. Means a lot!

  1. Can’t begin to tell you how thrilled I am for you, Stacy! Your first story is out and the big day to launch Into the Dark is around the corner. Yay!

  2. Hey to anyone who’s reading this, her story is wonderful! Creepy and intriguing and all that good stuff. 🙂 Thanks for the mention, Stacy! It was my pleasure.

  3. Pingback: WANA Wednesday: Some Scary Good Books, plus ROW80 update | Jennette Marie Powell

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