Hi guys! I’m sorry for the confusion with the Feedburner sign up. I am still learning a lot of this stuff. I’ve now made it easier to resubscribe – you can now sign up with your email to receive my updates from Feedburner.
Here’s the information on the perks of resubscribing and the new links. Thanks for your patience!
Subscribers: I’m going to be moving the blog to my website soon, so you will need to resubscribe through Feedburner for blog updates.
Because re-subscribing to the blog is a pain and my Feedburner is lonely, I’m entering everyone who signs up for the blog by January 17th into a drawing for a $20 Amazon Gift Card.
All you have to do is CLICK HERE and Follow Instructions. You can also go to the link in my right sidebar and SIGN UP FOR FEEDBURNER UPDATES VIA EMAIL.
You’ll also receive an invite to join my newsletter. By joining, you’ll not only get first crack at all contests, but you’ll also receive exclusive pricing on all future releases. The newsletter is monthly, and to sign up now, head on over here. You can also wait for the email, but I WILL NOT subscribe you without your permission. The party is no fun if you don’t want to be there.
Everyone who joins by January 31st will receive a free digital copy of my short story, Welcome To Las Vegas.
Thanks so much for making 2012 an amazing year, and I can’t wait to see what 2013 brings for all of us.
Have you considered cross posting? It is easy to keep your old site and copy and then paste to your new one. That way you won’t lose old subscribers. Most of my friends who switched came back to WP.com and keep up both sites. I blog in a couple of places…
Happy New Year!
Stacy Green
I don’t even know what that is, lol. Can you explain? Thanks!
Write your post on one site and then copy and paste it in the other. That way no one needs to move….
Stacy Green
Oh, I see. I think Rob wants to move the blog to the website. Not sure how that would work, but I’ll look into it. I am also looking into exporting subscribers.
It’s tough. Most people like the ease of WP. I don’t like signing in every time to make a comment since I have a lot of blogs to read. 🙂
Tiffany A White
Yay!! Email subscription complete! Thanks for adding it, Stacy!!
Catie Rhodes
Loved the ease and humor of this post. As for losing subscribers because people have to sign in to comment at your new site, I’ve visited a few websites where you don’t have to do that. My wordpress log-in worked even though the site wasn’t wordpress.