Hi Vicki! Welcome to Turning The Page – thanks so much for visiting today.
Thank you so much for having me, Stacy. 🙂
Your tag line is “sassy writer of sexy and funny fiction.” Is your main goal to make readers laugh? I would hope readers like the story. I believe if I made someone laugh, I did a good job with my writing.
Your short story Store Wars is releasing from MuseItUp in August. I love the title–can you tell us about the story and what you’re doing for its release? Thank you so much! Handsome worried it sounded too much like the famous movie. I just laughed. Here’s a blurb: Janie’s heart’s desire is to open her own store, but that’s about to be thwarted when her old love comes back to town and is running the competition’s business.
Do you prefer writing short stories or full-length novels? I’ve written 3 unpublished novels and love them dearly. Just haven’t sold them. And frankly, I can write a lot of shorts in the year it takes me to write one book. I’m slow with books.
You’re a part of a very cool blog, The Plotting Princesses. What’s your favorite part of working with them? Oh, I can’t wait to tell the PP girls you said so!!! We all get along so well and help each other with our writing business. I love them dearly!
Your novel, I Believe, is a romance with a sexy storyline. What inspired it? I Believe is my sexy novella with a touch of magic. I was at RWA and woke up from a dream saying the chant. My roommate, the fabulous Elizabeth Essex, threw a pen at me and said to write it down. Since I excel in following directions, I did and worked and worked. (BTW, the chant is a poem I wrote for Handsome!)
What is it about romance that makes you love writing it? HEA’s are happy for me. I like to feel good when I finish a book.
You’re a member of RWA–what’s the biggest benefit from belonging to such a vast organization? Networking. I have met so many people from all over the world. I can’t wait to see them each year.
What are you working on right now? Do you have plans for any more releases this year? I have a release, Twinkle Lights, coming in December from MuseItUp Publishing. I’ve submitted two very shorts to Woman’s World–cross fingers! And for some weird reason, am writing another holiday story.
I’ve got to ask the personal questions: what are your favorite free-time hobbies and dream vacation? I always have a needlepoint project going. Two years ago, Handsome and I went on our dream vacation-we cruised the Mediterranean with extra days in Istanbul, Rome, and Venice. Sigh. Oh! I need another dream vacation. Maybe a cruise around Australia…. hehehehe
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Like some of her characters, Vicki has worked a wide variety of jobs including lifeguard, ride attendant at an amusement park; a hardware store, department store, book store, antique store clerk; administrative assistant in an international real estate firm; and a general “do anything gal” at a financial services firm. The list is…endless.
Born in Dallas, a graduate of Texas Tech, she is married to Handsome, has two big boys, an attention-demanding cat, and two adorable poopies.
She has completed three manuscripts, written essays, and sold many short stories. She is a member of RWA, and the DARA, Elements, and RWA-WF chapters. In 2004, she joined DARA and has served in many capacities, including 2009 President. DARA awarded her the Robin Teer Memorial Service Award in 2010.
Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking “What if??”
vicki batman
Good Morning, Stacy! I’m so happy to be here. And on another note, am happy the fridge repairman is here. Cross fingers.
Stacy Green
Good luck with the fridge! That’s never fun. And thank you for being here:)
Great interview Vicki! I know first hand how supremely talented you and how kind and generous you are as a support/writing pal. But I admit, I’m not green with envy over the cruise! 🙂
vicki batman
I adore cruises, Sasha! Thanks — am blushing — over the compliments. ox
Stacy Green
So glad you enjoyed the interview. Thanks for stopping by!
Adriana Ryan
Great interview, Vicki and Stacy! I love the cover for The Store Wars!
vicki batman
Thank you, Adriana! I love the shopping bag with my name on it. That’s totally clever.
Stacy Green
So glad you enjoyed it:)
Greetings, Vicki and Stacy! I just attended *my* first RWA conference, and am still reeling from the experience. SO much good inspiration and networking. Sexy and laughter – I’ve always felt that was a winning combination, too.
Stacy Green
Hi Beverly! Glad you had a great time at RWA. I know there is a lot to be learned from them. Thanks so much for stopping by.
vicki batman
Hi, Beverly! I wish I had met you at RWA. I always, always, always have a great time. How can we go wrong with laughing? Not at all!
Kathy Ivan
Good morning, Vicki. We at the PP’s love you too! Wishing you much success with the newest release. And I only dream about cruising around the Greek Isles! Probably never going to happen, unless I sign a really major book contact, then who knows? LOL
Stacy Green
THanks so much for commenting, Kathy. I’m with you – totally digging the cruise:)
vicki batman
The Med cruise was truly a dream come true. And I highly recommend the cruise line we used. Thanks, Kathy. Love you too!
Karilyn Bentley
Hi Vicki! Great interview!! And I love the cover!! Looking forward to reading! 🙂
Stacy Green
Thanks so much for stopping by, Karilyn!
vicki batman
Thanks, Karilyn. It’s a bit sassy…like me. 🙂
Alisha Paige
I’m really looking forward to reading your new book, Vicki! I just loved I Believe! Glad your repairman is there! Hope you get your fridge fixed! 🙂
Stacy Green
Hi Alisha! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed the interview:)
vicki batman
Hi, Alisha! I’m so glad you liked I Believe. It will always be near and dear because of Handsome’s poem. Sorry to say, no fridge is still broken, but I don’t have to cook anything either. oxoxo
vicki batman
Thank you so much, Stacy, for having me visit today. Much success with your writing!
Sylvia McDaniel
Hi Vickie,
My roomie at National! We had a blast and everyone missed a great party. Love this cover and can’t wait to read it. Knowing you, it will be fun!
Stacy Green
Hi Sylvia! Glad you liked the interview, and thanks for stopping by.
vicki batman
Hi, Sylvia! We had a blast at RWA-didn’t we? It is fun and I love the cover!
Laura Pauling (@laurapauling)
I’ve really enjoyed reading novellas and short stories lately! And I love seeing authors supporting other authors from their publishing house. 🙂
Stacy Green
Thanks so much, Laura. I just started writing a short story today, and I’m in awe of those who do it regularly.
Tiffany A White
Great interview!! Hi, Vickie – it’s nice to meet you. 🙂 I am definitely going to have to check out I Believe!!
Stacy Green
Thanks so much, Tiffany. Glad you enjoyed.
Jenny Hansen
What a great interview, Stacy! Thanks for introducing me to Vicki. I believe I was at the RWA-WF mini-conference with her in Anaheim and never got to say hello. Diggin’ her tag line! 🙂
Stacy Green
You’re welcome, Jenny. Glad you enjoyed it. I love her tagline as well. Thanks!