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Posts Tagged: books

So there are some changes going on around here. With the help of the awesome Jillian Dodd, I’ve revamped the blog to show more of my brand. I love true crime, but my writing is about twisted minds and the occasional twisted sheets. So I figured it was time to embrace the dark and twisty, … Read the rest
I’m very excited to have bestselling MuseItUp mystery author Heather Haven guest posting today. She writes the entertaining Alvarez Murder Mystery Series and has a wealth of publishing experience to share. Welcome to Turning The Page, Heather! This Thing Called Writing A couple of weeks ago the 3rd book of the Alvarez Murder Mystery Series, … Read the rest
First off, I’ve been TERRIBLE about doing Row80 check-ins, and I’m really sorry. It’s just been hard to keep up with everything with all the writing I’ve been doing. But you guys have been so supportive via Twitter and Facebook that I had to take a moment and say: it’s finished! The WIP (formerly known … Read the rest
I’m very excited to have bestselling thriller writer Diane Capri visiting today! Diane writes nasty villains and strong female characters, and she’s just launched her first novel in the Jess Kimball series, FATAL DISTRACTION. Diane, thanks so much for stopping by today. Your novel, FATAL DISTRACTION, is getting some amazing reviews and climbing the charts. … Read the rest
I’m very excited to welcome fellow MuseItUp Author Madeline McLaughlin to Turning The Page. Madeline’s novel, THE MOUNTAIN CITY BRONZES, is a dark fiction/horror novel now available from MuseItUp Publishing. You write horror – have you always been interested in darker fiction? How did that develop? My first idea of horror was actually movies, especially … Read the rest


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