Due to this post from Roni Loren (thank you for the warning, Roni) I’ve decided to remove most photos from Thriller Thursday. I hope you’re still able to enjoy them!
Okay, not really. But the wonderful Kelly Hashway has tagged me in a fun kind of “get to know you game.”
1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the questions and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3. Tag eleven people and link to them.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Quiet. I have trouble with noise distraction and very little patience.
I don’t remember the books I read when I was really little, but I do remember reading Little House on the Prairie at a very young age.If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Anne Rice’s Queen of the Damned.Favourite author?
Anne Rice, Tami Hoag, Patricia Cornwell, J.K. Rowling – I can’t pick just one!
Do reviews influence your choice of reads?
Only if the reviews are all bad, and that’s rare. I choose books by the blurb and recs from friends with similar tastes.
FictionHave you ever met your favourite author?
No, but my hubby did try to get Anne Rice’s autograph when he was in New Orleans for work several years ago. But she was at the doctor – he spoke to her driver.Audio books or Paperbacks?
Classic or Modern Novels?
Book Groups or Solitary Reading?
Tag, You’re It! And because I’m lazy, same questions:)
1. Catie Rhodes
2. Donna Galanti
3. Lauralynn Elliot
4. Annie Boreson
5. Natalie Hartford
6. Angela Wallace
7. Marie Andrews
8. Nicole Basaraba
9. Julie Glover
10. Gene Lempp
11. Ellie Soderstrom
Happy Monday, everyone. Have a great day!
What fun! Will have to do later today or tomorrow..thanks for including me!
Stacy Green
You’re welcome. Looking forward to hearing your replies:)
Natalie Hartford
Woot woot! Luv it and I’ll definitely take part in days/weeks to come…squeee!!!
Stacy Green
Thanks! I’m going to be keeping track of my progress and sharing it with everyone. I hope that’s not a vain thing to do, lol.
Jenny Hansen
Keeping track of your progress and holding yourself accountable to your support group is NEVER vain. 🙂
Stacy Green
LOL. I thought you were replying to my post yesterday. Duh. Looking forward to your post on this!
Congrats on being tagged. I enjoyed reading your replies.
Stacy Green
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it:)
Angela Wallace
Of course we can’t pick just one favorite author! Thanks for the tag! I will get to it in a few weeks, after my already planned posts are done. 🙂
Stacy Green
You’re welcome. No rush:) And no way on the authors. Mine vary by mood, lol.
Catie Rhodes
Thanks for giving me my Wednesday blog post. It’s almost like a day off. LOL
I didn’t know you liked Harry Potter. I read all the books and watched the first few movies. Then I got all Pottered out. 😀
Stacy Green
Oh, I dearly love Harry Potter. The last book was amazing, and the movies really did it justice, as they did with the sixth book. One of the coolest parts was watching those kids grow up, too.
And you’re welcome!
I think you answered a lot of these the same way i would 🙂 Wouldn’t it be something else to love in Harry Potter’s world? Just as long as I wasn’t a muggle of course!
Stacy Green
Yes, it would! And know, I wouldn’t want to be a muggle. Too boring. Thanks:)
Pingback: What I Read When Nobody’s Watching | Catie Rhodes
Jenny Hansen
I LOVE me some Harry Potter!! These are fantastic questions. And it’s funny, I can read any place, but my favorite thing is to be in a very, very noisy place. Isn’t that funny how we’re all so different?
Stacy Green
Me, too. Yes, it is funny. I need quiet to write and read, and I’m just getting worse. Like right now, I need to work on an outline, but the little guy I watch is a chatter and I just can’t think. Oh well.
Thanks for both your comments!
Stacy Green
Yes, it is funny. I still love Harry Potter and try to read the books at least once a year. Love how J.K. Rowling developed the series along with the growth of the kids.
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