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Row80 Check-In

Happy Hump Day, everyone! Things are going well here. I managed to get back into working on The Prophet and have written 2300 words this week. The Row80 sprints at 1 central are a big help for me to focus–thank you guys for your encouragement.

Yesterday I also did some revisions in the plot, because I’ve adjusted my bad guys motivations, which meant I needed to work on his background. I’m still wrestling with a couple of ideas, but I’m getting there.

I’m also forcing myself to start exercising because I’ve got to get the winter chub off before spring hits. Last night Rob and I did the Insanity workout. Almost killed me, but I got through it.

I had to share the above cartoon with you all because I know it’s something every one of us deals with. Reading is essential to the craft, and yet finding time to fit it in along with social media, life, and writing our own books can be tricky.

I’ve been reading Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta series, and I recently started Dead Witness by Joylene Nowell Butler. It’s a suspense thriller and is keeping me on the edge of my seat with an every day but strong heroine–a wife and mom thrown into the most frightening of circumstances.

I’ve also been reading my friend Donna Galanti’s ARC of her novel A Human Element, which releases in March. It’s paranormal suspense with a cool sci-fi twist. I’ll be the first stop on her blog tour, so make sure you stop by on March 19th for Donna’s interview.

Finally, the must read post of the week by Kristen Lamb – Bracing for Impact: The Future of Big Publishing in the New Paradigm. Anyone thinking about querying, considering Big Six vs. small press, or self-publishing needs to read this.

How’s your week going? What books are you reading? And how do you fit in reading time with writing?

20 comments on… “Row80 Check-In”

  1. Fabulous week Stacy – great work!
    It’s tough to find the balance. I find some weeks I do more reading than writing, some more writing than reading, some more blogging/social media than anything else. I think the key is to continue to strive for balancing knowing that when you look back over a 6 month period, it does balance out. I think it’s more a “big picture” thing than a every day/week thing. That’s my take on it anyway. And I find the less pressure I put on myself to be all things to all things, the better I do. LOL!
    My week is all play so far. LOL! Monday night was exercise, Tuesday Valentine’s, and then tonight I am going to the Vagina Monologues with Mom so…writing will have to come later this week/weekend. 🙂
    I am reading Patricia Sands Bridge Club right now. I am about half way through and planning on reading something in Women’s fiction or contemporary romance next. Trying to find my genre/voice so I’m exploring…FUN!!
    Here’s to a GREAT rest of the week and weekend for you and KUDOs on the exercise! Woot woot!

  2. It’s hard to find the right balance. I go through stages where I read two novels a week and then the next month I’ll only read the one I need to read for book club.

    • I’ve done that as well. I’ve even gone through stages where I didn’t read at all for a month or two, which was stupid. But I get burned out or too busy and sometimes, jealous, lol. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Thanks! I really need to get more organized with my time, but I’m not one who can pencil in when I’m going to read. I do need to be better about specific social media times. Right now I’m just sort of off and on all day, and I’m not sure that’s the best use of it. And you’re right, the big picture is the most important thing.

    Ooh, have fun at the Vagina Monologues. I always wanted to see that. Good for you on keeping up with the exercising. That’s so damned hard for me. I hate it, in all finds.

    And exploring to find your voice is a great idea – perfect way to research.

    Thanks, and good luck to your week, too!

  4. Somehow, I always find time for reading – isn’t that what bathroom time is for? And as I go to sleep, and at dinnertime (right now I’m single & living alone, so it’s not being rude). Writing – at night after dinner, and on the weekends. Bloggging & commenting on blogs – in the morning before work, and on lunch breaks.

    If that sounds like there isn’t much time for other things – there isn’t. No TV, no movies, not a lot of socializing – just me & the printed word, bay-bee. Someday, when I can give up my day job for writing, I hope to be a little more balanced…

    • LOL, that’s true. I wish I could read at dinner. My hubby gets pissy when I check my phone, lol. I need to start reading as I go to sleep, although sometimes that actually keeps me awake. Sounds like you have a good schedule that’s working, though.


  5. I found when I got an iPhone, my reading time vanished. Instead of using my 40minute commute to read, I was tweeting, facebooking, playing Angry Birds.
    It was only when I took up the British Book Challenge and was forced to read, that I made a conscious decision not to do any iPhone usage on my commute or just before bed.
    Blogging and reading other blogs, like Beverly, is reserved for the office when I can’t be assed to do actual work:)

    It’s about knowing when to shut out the electronic world, for me.

    • Oh that’s true. Smart phones can kill, although I never got into playing the games. A book challenge sounds like a great idea. I know Julie Glover started a good one this year. LOL, love that you guys do social media at the day job.

      That’s my biggest issue, too. The electronic world, even the most mundane, has a real pull over my time.


  6. The balance for anything is hard to find. Life, reading, work, family, friends, exercise … you name it. And I guess we’ll never truly find the perfect balance, though we need to try 😉
    Great week so far, Stacy! Keep it up!

  7. I read while I’m working out. I run on the treadmill and it has a book holder. It’s my favorite feature! I get my exercise and my reading time all in one. Love it!

    • I do that too, when I’m on the exercise bike. But the hubby has me trying Insanity and other forms of torture, lol. I’d rather do it your way. Thanks:)

  8. I just joined a gym. I’m starting slow though, so I don’t even want to know what a workout by the name Insanity is like! LOL!

    I have a treadmill at home that holds a book, so I keep a novel on it that I am eager to read, but only allow myslef to read it while walking (mostly). Two birds with one stone, and it keeps me at it. Any little encouraging thing helps!

    • I used to belong to a gym, but the membership was a waste, because with my crazy schedule I never made it. That was my excuse, lol. And Insanity is pretty much how it sounds.

      I wish our treadmill worked. Some little girl lost the starter key that goes it in. Reading while on the treadmill is a great way to pass the time!

  9. Great word count! It is challenging to get in all the reading I want to do. I’m currently reading a cozy mystery by Leann Sweeney, but I also have in my stack a few young adult novels I’ve been wanting to tackle, Kait Nolan’s Red, and Patti Larsen’s Family Magic.

    By the way, I loved Kristen’s article. I’ve been amazed at the changes in books just in the last three years. I may be changing my own approach to my books because of it.

    Have a great week, Stacy!

    • Thanks so much. I want to read Kait Nolan’s Red, too. It’s out of my normal genre, but I’ve heard great things about it.

      Kristen’s article was great, wasn’t it? Really helped me solidify the direction I’ve decided to go with Into The Dark.

      Thanks, and you, too.

  10. I usually find I’m either in a reading phase or a writing one, its not often I’m doing both a lot. Well, not in the last few months anyway.

    I might check out Dead Witness as I’m doing Book Chick City’s Mystery & Suspense Challenge so need 10 more thriller this year.

    Keep up the good work!

    • I go through that as well. It’s tough for me to balance both. Ooh, that sounds like a fun challenge. I definitely rec Dead Witness. Thanks, and let me know what you think of the book:)

  11. Stacy, your week sounds good! I so need to check out this insanity workout too…got winter chubb on from 2 winters ago! Thanks for mentioning my book too…and for reading it 🙂 Cant wait to see Into the Dark out there…and for The Prophet to be finished! That cartoon is right on…still trying to figure out to to fit in the reading part more…backed up on like 5 novels bu authors I know …eeek

    • Thanks! I really got a lot done this week, but I’m too tired to post about it tonight and then do Monday’s post. So I’m lumping them. The Prophet has played some tricks on my but I’m happy with how it’s going.

      I know what you mean! I downloaded three books this week I really need to read. And yes. Must get the chub off. I will not be uncomfortable this summer.

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