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Posts Tagged: Stacy Green suspense author

The last meal is customary part of a convicted criminals last day. Some states, like Texas, have done away with the tradition, but the vast majority still allow death row inmates to choose their last meal. So what does a convicted killer who’s terrorized a community and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars choose to … Read the rest
No, we’re not talking about the iconic scene from The Shining (although that still sends chills down my spine). Today’s topic is the brand new Investigation Discovery show, Redrum, and its first case. I’ve been seeing previews for Redrum for a few weeks, so with all the hype, I had high expectations. For the most … Read the rest
Welcome to another fast Monday edition of Twisted Facts! This week, we’re talking about the amazing human body. Although we are very fragile, our bodies are also unique machines with some incredible abilities. Did you know: The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades? Our stomach cells renew themselves frequently to prevent the acid … Read the rest
Today’s Thriller Thursday features two current cases, one local (Iowa) and the other national. Iowa City, Iowa On January 3, Kirk Levin, age 21 was arrested and charged with murdering his mother and kidnapping another woman within hours of his release from prison on New Year’s Day. Levin was arrested on kidnapping charges after a … Read the rest
Welcome to my first edition of Twisted Facts! As most of you know, I’m a research nerd. Mondays will be about whatever odd fact on history, crime, technology and whatever else catches my eye. Dumb crime and bonehead criminals are a favorite topic for me. With all the cruelty in this world and the topics I … Read the rest
Hi guys! I’m sorry for the confusion with the Feedburner sign up. I am still learning a lot of this stuff. I’ve now made it easier to resubscribe – you can now sign up with your email to receive my updates from Feedburner. Here’s the information on the perks of resubscribing and the new links. … Read the rest
So there are some changes going on around here. With the help of the awesome Jillian Dodd, I’ve revamped the blog to show more of my brand. I love true crime, but my writing is about twisted minds and the occasional twisted sheets. So I figured it was time to embrace the dark and twisty, … Read the rest

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