I’m excited to share the cover for the final Delta Crossroads Novel, ASHES AND BONE! The book will be available in print and all digital formats February 25th! Everybody has secrets. Some will kill to protect them. Just when Jaymee Ballard’s life seems to be on track, a massive derecho attacks the Delta Crossroads sowing … Read the rest →
I was going to write about true crime documentaries tonight, but as I started this post, the show Hoarding, Buried Alive is on, and as always, I am blown away by the disease. I can understand the hoarding of things, particularly family items. I am very close to my parents, especially my mother, and I … Read the rest →
It’s finally here! My second mystery/suspense, TIN GOD is now live on Amazon for Kindle or paperback. The Kindle Book Review called TIN GOD “an emotionally charged, thought provoking, stunning mystery suspense,” and my wonderful advanced readers have fallen in the love with the book. Thank you all for your support and encouragement! Click on … Read the rest →
Since my upcoming mystery/suspense novel, TIN GOD, deals with religion and betrayal in the deep south, today we’re talking about the unidentified serial killer known as Bible John. Between 1968 and 1969 in Glasgow, Scotland, three young women were murdered after meeting a mysterious man at the Barrowland Ballroom. Victims 25-year-old Patricia Docker was found … Read the rest →
Stacy Green is the best selling author of psychological thrillers and mystery with a dash of romance. As a stay at home mom, she's blessed with making writing a full-time career. She lives in Iowa with her supportive husband, daughter, and their three fur-babies.