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Row80 Update 12-4-11: Recovery Mode

Lethargy? Check. Apathy? Check? Pissed off in general? Check.

I’ve struggled this week, and I can’t really explain why. I tried to chalk it up to being worn out from traveling and “female” issues, but I can’t blame it all on them. I think I went like hell before Thanksgiving and wore myself out. Then the “meh” set in, and I’ve been in recovery mode since then.

Not to mention that every time the phone rings I wonder if it’s the call telling me my brother has passed. Perfect storm for stress and exhaustion, I guess.

But no more complaining, I promise. I’m on the upswing, I think. One of the e-publishers I want to submit to requires a marketing strategy with the query, and I’ve been working on putting that together. Thanks to advice/links from Laura Pauling, Joanna PennRoz Morris, and Donna Galanti, the marketing thing is taking shape.

And then there is the new WIP, The Prophet. I don’t know why I’m so stalled on this book, but it’s beyond frustrating. I have a fairly decent outline worked out and scenes I’m excited about. Part of the issue is the goal for the male protag: I know what it is, but I’m having some trouble figuring out how to get him there in Act 1. It’s hard for me to leave issues like that be and write something else, so I’ve been using it as an excuse not to work on it. I’ve got to tackle it this week or I’ll go nuts, so here’s my plan.

*Finish marketing strategy and query e-publisher by Wednesday
*Go back and revisit Kait Nolan’s worksheets and work out strategy for male protag to reach his goals.
*Write 500 words on THE PROPHET. I’ve got to get something written for next check in, so I’m setting the bar low.
*Be a better Tweeter. I’m making a pledge to get back into supporting my fellow bloggers and meeting new Tweeters this month. I’ve let that fall by the wayside a bit.

Speaking of fellow bloggers, the wonderful Tiffany A. White gifted me with the 7×7 award. Big hugs to her! Recipients select seven previous blog posts representing certain categories and pass on the award to seven others.

Most Beautiful – Cherish the Small Things I wrote this post after visiting my cancer-stricken brother (before we heard of his terminal diagnosis). The visit was a wake-up call, and the post is one I’m proud of.

Most Helpful – Avoiding Dating Disasters With Jenny Hansen. The always funny lady wrote a great guest post on a subject near to her heart.

Most Popular – What’s In A Name? The Manic Monday dedicated to the inspiration for our blog names. Loved this post because we all learned a lot about each other.

Most Controversial – Thriller Thursday: The Sweet Face of Pure Evil. The post about a child murderer gaining her freedom and anonymity elicited a lot of reactions.

Most Surprisingly Successful – Manic Monday’s Pole Dancing Dolly. Ridiculous Christmas gifts galore.

Most Underrated – Thriller Thursday’s Bob’s Bazarre Bizarre. This topic wasn’t for the faint of heart, but I was really happy with how the post came out. There was a ton of info to sift through, and for once I managed to keep Thriller Thursday from being too long.

Most Prideworthy – Thriller Thursday Welcomes NYTBSA Allison Brennan. Allison put a lot of effort into answering my questions, and I was honored to have her.

Now, to pass on the love! Please don’t feel you have to participate, but I want to recognize some great bloggers.

1. Donna Galanti. She has great interviews with fellow authors and is gearing up for the release of her first book, A HUMAN ELEMENT, from Echelon Press, in March 2012.
2. Natalie Hartford. The woman never fails to make me laugh, and she’s a great supporter.
3. Julie Glover. Her blog is chock full of well thought out posts and funny observations.
4. Annie Boreson. Quite possibly one of the funniest ladies out there. Her writing puts you smack in the middle of the experience.
5. Catie Rhodes. I have to give a shout out to my awesome critique partner. She’s put up with my nonstop questions and never fails to support me. Her blog is filled with great posts on the paranormal and true crime, both of which are near to my heart.
6. Jessica R. Patch. Her blog is always full of positive and inspiring stories.
7. Cynthia Robertson. Cynthia’s posts are uplifting and full of great writing info.

How are your Row80 Goals coming along? Have the holidays derailed you, or are you in an end-of-the-year push?

28 comments on… “Row80 Update 12-4-11: Recovery Mode”

  1. S. Cunningham Ortiz

    Hi Stacy,

    Boy have you had your hands full! And you’re a remarkable person because through it all you’ve kept at your goals–you haven’t forgotten yourself (that’s the first thing that I always give up and then I wind up feeling worse–in that wonderfully passive-aggressive kind of way!). Feel supported and feel hugged!!

    • Thanks so much. I’ve had to be in standby mode with my brother, and it would be far worse to be there with him, watching him go, so I can’t complain. Yes, giving up definitely makes a person feel worse. Thanks again!

  2. Aw, Stacy, you have a right to feel this way. Don’t be hard on yourself. Sometimes life takes over, and you are justified in that are. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Thanks, Kelly. I feel like I’ve been complaining a lot, though. So thankful to have all of you to listen, lol.

      And thank you for the prayers. Much appreciated:)

  3. I agree with Kelly–you have to rest after a sprint. Give the well time to replenish, and soon you’ll be back raring to go. And congrats on the blog award

    Sorry to hear about your brother. Mine had a lung removed last year due to cancer; he is still not out of the woods. My thoughts are with you.

    Take care, and keep “climming the lader” LOL

  4. Stacy,
    It’s no wonder you are worn out! What I find most impressive is how you are able to juggle so many projects while undergoing this much stress. You should give yourself a pat on the back…sit down first. You need to put your feet up and recharge! Maybe someone can get you a cup of coffee (with a little kick in it…kidding…I think.)

    Thank you so much for the 7X7 award. What a treat! As this one has found its way to some of my favorite bloggers I have enjoyed how others view their own work. It is quite telling and I appreciate being able to do the same and pass it forward! Now off to read Manic Monday Pole Dancing! Take good care of yourself and THANKS again!

    • Thanks, Annie. I guess from my POV, it seems like I didn’t do that much and shouldn’t feel so tired. I feel like I NEED to be able to juggle this much if I want to be successful, and I’m failing the test, lol. Thank you very much for the encouragement, and I’ll definitely take the coffee with a kick, lol.

      You’re very welcome! I love your blog and writing. You have such a unique way of telling a story, and it sticks with me every time. Enjoy!

  5. Gosh, I feel like you are one of the most hard-driving, focused writers I know. You are really kind of a role model for setting and meeting goals…something I am quite sloppy about.
    The situation with your brother would get anyone down. Give yourself a hug, since I can’t give you one. And yea, have that coffee with a kick Annie suggested.

    Congratulations on receiving the award! Thank you so much for including me in the 7×7 award, Stacy. And in such great company too. I’m truly honored.

    • Really? Thank you! I feel just the opposite, lol. Like a lazy slug most of the time.

      Thanks so much for the encouragement and for the hug. Really appreciate it, and you’re very welcome. You deserve it:)

  6. We all hit stall points and as you’ve found the frustration generally comes from knowing what we have to do and then hesitating. It sounds like you have a great plan to move forward with and I know that you are tenacious enough to find the needed solutions. The fact that you are able to maintain the momentum you have with all the other pressures of your world and family is amazing, Stacy, and proves the strength of your character.

    Have an excellent week 🙂

    • Thanks for the encouragement and kind words, Gene. I think I got overwhelmed with all I needed/wanted to do. Breaking it down into a plan is helpful. Again, thank you. Very sweet:)

      And you, too!

  7. Glad to hear you’re recovering, Stacy (and also glad that I discovered another great blog via ROW80). Like your links too. I’m fighing off a cold and also entering the end of school / Christmas haze days, so am feeling that meh noise in my brain this week.

    • Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the blog and links. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well – it’s a terrible time of year to be sick. Feel better soon!

  8. stop beating yourself up girl – be kinder you have family to stress about dont stress about witing as well – all those hormones whizzing around do as the others suggests sit – have a drink – kick shoes off snuggle down and just drift – relax. you need your strength for your brother writing will always be there – keep the bar low until rested

    all the best

    • Thank you. You’re right. I need to just relax and let things happen. Stress is just making things worse, too. Appreciate the encouragement!

  9. Woot woot – congrats on your wonderful award and THANK YOU for passing it along to me. Sooo kind and I am honored to be included in the group. MUAH!!!

    Great work towards your marketing plan. That’s so exciting. I saw you tweet about it and I had hope there were people with some ideas to give you a good jumping off point. You’ll be a marketing master in no time!

    I can’t imagine how rough it is with everything with your brother going on. Your courage and strength is amazing. Hang in there darlin’! You are doing great!!!

    • You’re very welcome – you deserve it:)

      The marketing plan is ready to go, I think. And yes, I had several people helping out with ideas and resources. The power of the Internet is a wonderful thing.

      Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement:)

  10. Ugh. I hate those down swings where the motivation just seems to dissipate and it feels like there’s nothing you can do to get back in the upswing. There always is an upswing, though, thankfully, and I hope on Wednesday, I come around to a check-in talking about how you’ve really been feeling it, Stacy. : ) You’ve definitely got a lot of great projects going that have the potential, that’s for sure.

    Congratulations on the award! I hope your week is awesome and must thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting with a lolcat. Anything starting with a lolcat is a good start indeed.

    • I think that’s been the most frustrating thing. I felt so powerless and couldn’t figure out why. Nothing I tried worked, but I will say the past couple of days have been better. I think getting back to my regular schedule with child care, despite the early hour, has actually helped my focus.

      Thank you so much for the encouragement. And you’re welcome. Lolcats are awesome, and I use them way too much. Good luck this week!

  11. I’ve been a little down too.
    But let’s try and pull it together and get back on that saddle lol
    Nice going with one of the e-publishers. Hope everything goes well there 😉
    Have a nice week!

  12. Just remember the only thing that really matters is to write. And write consistently. Nothing else (e.g. the marketing plan, blogging, tweeting) really matters. You can’t market a book you don’t have. You can’t tweet a book you don’t have.

    Even if you can only get 250 a words down a day (basically 1 page), if you do it for 250 days (meaning you still ignore almost 1/3 of a year from writing) you will have a nice sized book. And that time is going to pass whether you write or not. Whether you complain or not. So just write.

    • That’s very true. Thanks for the reminder. I’ve gotten sidetracked with querying the finished book (which is where the marketing plan comes in), and it’s taken me off my writing game. Back to it this week.

  13. Pingback: Celebrating is SO Underrated! |

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