As soon as I wrote the title for this post, I immediately thought of this:
Random, but now you’re beginning to see how my brain works!
Onto Row80 Update:
On Sunday I mentioned how the Snowflake Method helped me with my plotting. I was able to take my list of ideas and get about half the book plotted. I had the first turning point and the midpoint; all I was missing was the second turning point. I have to give a huge shout out to Kait Nolan here—she very graciously has several of her writing worksheets available for download. I tried her plotting blueprint, and by the end of the day, I had my final turning point as well as several more important details. So after feeling stalled on the writing of The Prophet for a while, I’m finally ready to dig into it.
And thanks to the Snowflake methods and Kait’s worksheets, I was able to come up with a rough synopsis for The Prophet, which led to a blurb for the blog. Check it out here. I’m ready to write today, and I hope to report a few thousand words by Sunday.
As for Light and Dark, I’m going to be working on an updated blurb for it as well, and my query letters are getting close to being finished. I’ve sent out another 50 pages to my final critique partner, and I’m slowly assembling the list of agents I want to query. Still on track to get started in a few weeks.
On the personal front, Grace and I painted pumpkins last night. As you can see, we’re serious artists. Don’t you wish these babies were on your front porch?
Quick blogging update: I’ve decided to shelve Tempting Tuesdays for now. They usually get low traffic, and I’m not sure if that’s because of the day or topic. Anything I’d talk about on Tuesdays could easily be moved to Monday, and I want to focus on getting Thriller Thursdays more exposure. With Row80 updates, I’ll still be blogging 4 times a week. Speaking of Thriller Thursdays, I have something special planned for next week, so mark your calendars!
Discussion question of the day: what do you do to get your butt in the writing chair and achieve your daily goals?
Hope you’re having a great Row80 week!
Cute pumpkins and love the gerbil in therapy photo!
And I LOVE your Thriller Thursdays, so please done eliminate that one 😉 I wish I could get on a schedule with posting like you but I am a Gemini and just cant commit to regularity like that as I am always changing my mind about things – LOL
Stacy Green
Thanks, Donna. I definitely won’t eliminate Thriller Thursdays. I think Thursday is tough because I’m not sure people are online as much, but I’m hoping to gain more readers eventually.
LOL. You’re so busy I’m amazed you are able to get any kind of blogging done.
Thanks for commenting!
I actually need to get my but OUT of the chair more often. I’ll check e-mail first thing in the a.m. – and visit some SheWrites blogs, and see who’s left a comment on my blog, and comment back on theirs, and… where did my yoga time go? All too soon, gotta leave for the day job, where…
Write on breaks, write at lunch, then back home to write comments, etc. while I eat & try to seriously write after dinner. (I love you, my little Dell ‘puter. You’re my only friend.)
Actually, I do have friends I do things with, from time to time, and I make an effort to get out on the weekends when whether permits/is encouraging.
Stacy Green
That’s me, exactly. I do the same thing most mornings, especially Mon and Weds. I seem to be able to eat away time from writing and exercise on the computer.
I can’t ever write after Grace gets home because there’s never any silence, lol. And I shouldn’t have to. I HAVE the time during the day. I just need to start approaching it better.
You’re lucky to have friends so close. Most of the friends I’d love to do something with are back home or online, lol.
Kelly Hashway
I have set writing time, no exceptions. I sit and I write. It’s the teacher in me. I’m tough on myself.
Stacy Green
Good for you! I think being home all day allows me to be too soft on myself. I’m remedying that today.
I get up at 5 am(most mornings. Slept in today) and sit down & write. It actually has helped that my computer’s been acting up, so I’ve been writing in a notebook. Can’t write quite as much since I type faster than I write, but there’s less to distract me. Hope I have the self-discipline to keep the distractions away once I get it fixed.
Stacy Green
That’s a great idea. I’m up that early too, because I babysit. Lately I’ve fallen back into the habit of sleeping another hour because the kiddo does. I should probably break that. Writing in a notebook can be great, too. I’ll do that if I take Grace to the park or mall playground. Good luck with your computer, and thanks for commenting!
Barbara McDowell
Great progress on your goals! And the feedback on using the snowflake method and link to Kait’s worksheets is super cool as well. For your question, my ROW80 goals are the motivator right now. I never had set writing time/goals before, but see the need to do that to put my writing as a priority.
Stacy Green
Thanks, Barbara
Kait’s awesome for sharing those. She puts a lot of work into them. I wasn’t sure they were for me, but I was determined to sit down and work through at least one. I’m so glad your Row80 goals are motivating you – keep at it!
Juliana Haygert
“what do you do to get your butt in the writing chair and achieve your daily goals?”
Just that.
I put my butt in my chair and write.
I like to think of writing as my job (because hopefully it’ll be someday), so I have to get it done. No “oh I’ll write when I’m in the mood for it.”
It took me sometime to realize that, to do that … at first, I did write only when I was inspired … now, I put on some music, make some tea, glue my butt to my chair and my fingers on the keyboard, and write. Even if it’s not good, because I’m not in the mood. I just write. And, eventually, I get into the mood 😉
Stacy Green
You’ve got the right attitude. Thinking of writing as our job is very important. I tend to be a mood writer, so that’s something I struggle with daily. I love that you’re able to stick to it even if it’s not good, and that you’re eventually in the mood. Thanks for sharing!
Catie Rhodes
Like Juliana, I try to think of writing as my job. If I don’t, it never will be my job. That said, I started blogging at the end of May. I had just gotten back to regularly working on my fiction when my Cosmo (my puppy) came home in late August. I’m slowly getting adjusted and have been working on my fiction again.
The way I get my butt in the chair to write? I set a timer for a half hour. I tell myself that I only have to write a half hour. If things aren’t going well, I allow myself to get up and do something else. Most times, I am so engrossed after a half hour that I reset my timer for another 30 minutes. I am always careful not to work more than an hour at a time. I find I work harder if I have a time limit. 😀
Stacy Green
I know Cosmo has been a big adjustment, but he’s definitely worth it again. I’m really glad to hear you’re getting back into your fiction again.
I think the timer is a great idea. Something simple I never thought of, and I work hard with a time limit too. I might have to try that.
LOVE your links to Kait’s downloads – I went off and downloaded everything and can’t wait to sink my teeth into it so thank you for sharing. It sounds like you are WELL on your way and I am thrilled to hear it – shaking pink pom poms!
I also love Thriller Thursdays so glad to hear they are sticking around. And they coincide so well with your book readership so FANTASTIC job!!
I read your new blurb for The Prophet – sounds uberlicious!!!
As far as writing and achieving goals, I am such a newbie I’ve got nothing to offer but hopefully by the end of December I’ll have some of my own tips/tricks. I do agree with Julianna and Catie – looking at it like a “job” would be helpful!
Stacy Green
So glad you like them, Natalie. She has some fantastic ones. I wish I could be as organized as she is, lol. Really hope they help you.
Thank you so much – I feel like I finally have a solid direction with this story. It’s really helped to figure out how to tie all the ideas together.
Yep, Thriller Thursdays are here to stay. Sometimes I’m frustrated by the small amount of responses, but I’m glad to be on wordpress so I can actually see the number of hit.
You are doing great. Just keep working hard! Thanks:)
Nicole Basaraba
I downloaded Kait’s docs a while ago. Maybe in a week or two I will need to crack those babies open as I will soon be running out of outlined chapters. gasp! Great work so far Stacy.
P.S. I love Thriller Thursdays. Just send me a tweet when they’re up and I’ll RT in a jiff.
Stacy Green
Definitely crack those docs open. You won’t regret it. Thanks for the encouragement and support of Thriller Thursday. I’ll definitely be tweeting you tomorrow!
Julie Glover
Great progress. You seem to have your plans well laid-out. I recently dropped my Monday post, so I am down to twice a week, plus ROW80 updates. Having the little extra time to work on my WIP has been nice. However, I like posting twice a week, so I won’t be letting any more go. I love your Thriller Thursdays as well.
Stacy Green
Thanks, Julie! For some reason, I’ve had to be more organized with this new book. Haven’t been able to write on the fly like I used to.
Nope, Thursdays are here to stay. And I’m glad you’ve been able to get more time for writing. It’s what we’re here for!
I love your blog, Stacy. The hamster pic is adorable.
I get up at 6 am every morning and sit down to write. I have peace and quiet for about 2 hours before hubby gets up and then I go about my ‘house duties’. Depending on how long that takes, I’m back in front of the computer either writing, editing, beta reading (and sometimes play a game or two). Then I take about an hour out a day to read a novel and then I’m back on at night to blog hop and talk to other writers, then I sit back and write some more until about 1 am. It’s nuts. I’m addicted. I really need to get a life.
You sound like you doing well with your goals and I’m going to come back and visit often.
Stacy Green
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the blog. And kudos to you on your motivation and discipline. It sounds like you’re able to be home all day, and it’s tough to stick with a schedule like that on your own time.
Great job!
I love the gerbil and pumpkins too. So glad that your writing is making progress. Sorry to hear about Tuesdays, but I think they tend to be a slow day for all of us. I hope you never get rid of Thursday! I read the Snowflake method. This might help me too. Thanks for sharing!
Stacy Green
Thanks, Annie. So glad you checked out the Snowflake method, and I hope it helps. You’re welcome. Nope, Thursdays are permanent, and I hope I can continue to build them. Loved your recent blog post, btw.
I take my notebook with me and steal time in between teaching lessons (I travel to my students so sometimes have an hour between appointments), if I wake up early I get up, because I rarely have “free time” but always looking for that little half hour or hour when I can lose myself in writing. And if I can’t write I go visiting what everyone else is writing.
Stacy Green
That’s a great idea. Those little bits of time can be really productive. I need to be better about seizing them. Thanks for commenting!
Can you come over and paint my pumpkins? They’re sitting on our porch looking plain as could be.
I’m definitely going to have to check out the Snowflake Method. You’re the third blogger that’s mentioned it this month. 😉
Great job on all your brainstorming and writing progress!
Stacy Green
LOL, Jenn. Mine are too, now. We just had regular, old kiddie paint, and the rain washed off our designs! We’ll have to paint them again.
Hope you enjoy the Snowflake Method, and thank you, I appreciate it!
Robin McCormack
I’ll have to check out the snowflake method, thanks for the link. Great job on the pumpkins. My guys insist on carving ours. I finally gotten over the goopiness of it and have fun doing it now. Butt in chair question – dedicate the mornings to writing until hubby gets up for the day to get ready for work. He’s a night owl so doesn’t get up til 10:00 and then he’s out the door for work by 11:00. My son keeps himself occupied until then leaving me alone to write. After my hubby leaves, we start lessons for the day. My only problem is not getting distracted by a good book. 🙂 Now if I could just push myself out of bed before 8:00 it would give me even more time to write.
Stacy Green
You’re welcome. We’ll definitely be carving one – we usually do it just before Halloween. Grace just wanted to paint that. And thanks for the compliment. You’re lucky you’re able to dedicate the mornings to writing. Sounds like you home school. No way could I do that and be able to write. Kudos to you.