Manic Monday: Liebster Awards, Row80, and YOU!
Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Our weather here was beautiful, and I got some serious plotting/writing done on The Prophet, so I’m happy.
Today’s post is a Mish-Mash (to steal Kelly Hashway’s phrase). First, I have to give a huge thank you to the wonderful Jenny Hansen for bestowing me with the Liebster Award.
Liebster is German for “beloved person.” Jenny said some very sweet things about me, and I’d like to return the favor. Jenny and her blog, More Cowbell, are always fun and positive. She’s a fantastic cheerleader and a great teacher as well.
I’d like to give the Liebster to these blogging friends:
Jessica Patch: Her blog is fun and uplifting, and she’s always willing to help out a fellow writer. She recently signed with Rachel Kent of Books and Such Literary, so huge congrats!
J. Thomas Ross: J is lucky enough to have access to some great conferences and writing groups, and she’s always willing to share what she’s learned.
Donna Galanti: First off, HUGE CONGRATS to Donna for signing with Echelon Press. I’m so happy for her! I want to give her the Liebster because Donna was one of my first “writing” friends. She embraced me when I was just starting out and gave me a lot of great guidance. Her blog is always informative, and she has fun author interviews.
Amber West: Amber not only posts great posts about which TV shows are worth your time, but she also has wonderful Friday Inspiration posts. She recently launched the #Gowithout campaign for charity, and I’m proud to take part.
Finally, I want to mention two great bloggers that already have Liebsters. Catie Rhodes is my critique partner and friend. Her blog is one of my favorites, covering everything from cool 80s movies, Texas history, true crime, and freaky paranormal stories. Tiffany White is another blogging friend, and her blog (along with Amber West’s) is the go-to place for finding great, new television shows. Thanks to these ladies for all their support!
Last but not least, it’s almost time for the “Rock the ROW” Twitter party! On October 5th, the #Row hashtag will be THE place to be. Jenny Hansen has all the details here. “Rock the Row” is our opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments from #Row80 Round 3, and it’s also the kick off for Round 4. If you haven’t taken part in Row80, I definitely encourage you to. It’s a great way to stay motivated to reach your writing AND life goals.
If you don’t know what #Row80 is, take a minute and check out Kait Nolan’s post. She’s the brain behind #Row80.
Round 4 begins today, October 3rd, and runs through December 22. That’s 80 days to get some serious work in. I went easy on myself in Round 3, so I’m upping the stakes this time.
Yes, it’s Calvin and Hobbs day at Turning The Page. 🙂
My Round 4 #Row80 Goals:
Begin querying Light and Dark by November 15. Some of this hinges on my final critique partner getting the time to read the MS, but I’m determined to have sent FIVE queries out by the end of Round 4.
Write a minimum 3000 words/week on my new suspense thriller, The Prophet. If I can manage that pace, the first draft will be about halfway complete by Christmas.
Continue to blog three times a week and work on spreading the word about Thriller Thursday. Those posts really tie into my genre, and I want to add focus to them.
Continue to support my blogging/writing friends on their individual journey’s.
Stick to my healthy eating schedule. Do a better job of watching my carbs.
Continue with yoga. Build workouts to at least four times a week.
Spend more time reading with my daughter.
Focus on the positive things in my life: friends, family, my chance to write.
Focus on the stuff I CAN change about myself instead of worrying about what I can’t.
What about you? Will you be joining #Row80?
20 comments on… “Manic Monday: Liebster Awards, Row80, and YOU!”
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Kelly Hashway
Congrats on the award, and feel free to use any of my phrases anytime. 🙂
Barbara McDowell
Kudos on your award and goals Stacy!
LOL, thanks Kelly. It's a great phrase.BarbaraThank you! Hopefully I can reach those goals.
donna galanti
Thanks Stacy! Reminded me to get to your chaps and look into ROW 80! I have so many goals to set now that this may help keep me focused. thanks for the Monday shout out. Have an awesome week!
You're welcome, Donna. Hope you had a great weekend, and you should definitely check out Row80. It's a great way to stay on track. Thanks!
Julie Glover
I'm in for ROW80 as well. Perhaps we can encouragingly goad one another about those queries since I'm submitting my novel too. I like that you included Life goals. For the first time, I am stating some non-writing goals also, although I think they will have a positive impact on my writing. Best wishes & congrats on the Liebster!
Thanks for the liebster and thanks for calling me a friend. The latter means the most of all. 😀 Good luck on your #ROW80 goals. 😀
JulieGlad you're in! I will definitely encourage you through the query process. I know it's going to be rough. I think the life goals will help the writing too, as it all sort of blends together. Thanks!CatieYou're so welcome, and me too. So glad we've gotten to know each other!
Jessica R. Patch
Thanks for the shout out, Stacy! Very cool! 🙂
Stacy S. Jensen
I wish I could do the #ROW80. I'm outlining a few submission goals for the rest of the year. So, I'm staying focused in my own way. I love your Thriller Thursday series and appreciate the time you put into them.
You're welcome, Jessica. Thanks for stopping by.StacyWhy can't you jump into #Row80? It's really easy to follow. Thanks for the compliment!
Congrats on the award. I agree Jenny is awesome. Good luck with your goals!
RaelynThanks so much! Really hoping to exceed this round:)
Congrats on a well deserved award!I love your goals but I especially liked your goal about blogging abouut Thriller Thursday since those posts really tie into your genre. I was just talking to hubby about that very subject. Smart! I can't wait to follow your ahhhmazing success over the next 80 days – an inspiration!
Oh, I love this line: "Focus on the stuff I CAN change about myself instead of worrying about what I can't."So very true =)This time I'm participating, so I'll see you there!Btw, good luck!
NatalieThanks so much! It kind of dawned on me earlier in the week was I was responding to Laura Pauling's post about branding that Thriller Thursday was a key element in mine, lol. Thanks again for the support!JulianaThank you. That's really hard for me to do, so I'm hoping I can really improve on that. Happy you're joining Row80 – you won't regret it. And good luck to you, too!
Julie Farrar
I can't do Row80 this time but reading your post and the original directions gives me a good idea of what I should shoot for to know I'm being productive. Thanks.
JulieI'm glad the post helped. The main thing is to set goals for yourself and find a way to stay accountable. Good luck, and thanks for commenting:)
Angela Wallace
Congrats on the award! Wow, that's a lot of goals. Good luck!
Thanks, Angela. Hopefully I can make it!