Seriously. I’d be on their top wanted list in minutes, as would many writers. I kill and sometimes torture people for a living, so a girl’s got to do her research. Details matter, because readers are smart. My 10 Best (or Worst?) Search Terms How to kill with cyanid How does a body decompose in … Read the rest →
How can we help each other? That’s been the burning question in my Suspense, Mystery, and Mayhem group on Kristen Lamb’s WANA Tribe. So many things to discuss: craft, book launches, social media, marketing–the list goes on. And of course, the million dollar question: what do readers want? I want to help my writing friends … Read the rest →
Stacy Green is the best selling author of psychological thrillers and mystery with a dash of romance. As a stay at home mom, she's blessed with making writing a full-time career. She lives in Iowa with her supportive husband, daughter, and their three fur-babies.