Being fat is miserable.
Trust me, I know. For as long as I can remember I’ve been the chubby kid, the heavy sister, the fat friend. I blame genetics. Kind of.
When I was a kid (I’m thirty-four), parents didn’t know as much as we do now about the effects of sugar, fatty foods, etc. And if they did, my parents didn’t pay attention. Dad was a steak and potatoes kind of guy (still is), and we never ate a lot of veggies. Pepsi was the drink of choice, and I can remember way too many trips to Mickey D’s.
My poor childhood eating habits set the stage for my lifelong struggle with food.
I never felt comfortable in my own skin, mostly because there was too much of it. One of my worst memories is from my freshman year of high school during a JV basketball game. I was probably twenty pounds heavier than the rest of the team, and they didn’t have shorts to fit me. The pair coach gave me were so tight they rode up my legs until they resembled two sausages trying to escape from their waxy membrane. I spent the game huffing up and down the court and constantly tugging down my shorts. The opposing team had a field day, of course. The experience was beyond mortifying.
Still, I couldn’t lose the weight. I had no discipline, no willpower. Chocolate and pizza were my best friends and worst enemies. Finally, the summer between my junior and senior year, I literally worked my butt off and dropped about thirty pounds, getting down to a size seven, the smallest I’ve ever been.
That lasted until my freshman year of college when I began packing on the dreaded freshman fifteen. By the time I graduated, I was a size eighteen. I spent the next decade struggling with various diets and failed exercise plans, never getting lower than a sixteen.
I felt unworthy of my husband’s affection and could no longer stand to look in the mirror. When my eighteen’s starting getting tight, I’d finally had enough.
On December 31st, 2010, I weighed 218 pounds (I’m about 5’ 4”), and my body fat was 44%. My mother suffers from Type 2 Diabetes, and I was well on my way to joining her.
The next day I began a program through my doctor called Ideal Protein. Originally created for diabetics and modified for the general public, it’s a strict protein and veggie diet. Your carbs and calories are severely restricted. A list of food choices is provided, and if you go off that list, the food must be ZERO carbs, calories, and fat. The diet essentially retrains your pancreas to properly process insulin, slowly filtering out the gunk and never-ending cravings that come with a carb-filled diet.
Ideal Protein is strict: green veggie only, none of the good kind like carrots and green beans. The “yucky” kind like asparagus, zucchini, kale, cauliflower, spinach … you get the picture. Only certain cuts of beef, pork, and chicken, and only five ounces at night. I didn’t think I could do it. I’ve never been a veggie eater, and when I did, they were coated in butter and sugar.
Your main source of protein is purchased from the selection provided by Ideal Protein, and I won’t lie, it’s expensive. But the protein packets are key to burning the fat and making you feel full.
Ideal Protein’s offerings are surprisingly good; most are in the form of shakes, but there are crepes, omelets, puddings, chili, etc. There’s a lot more variety than I expected.
Best thing? No exercise needed. I know it sounds whacky, but just listen. Working up a sweat actually causes your body to produce more insulin and lactic acid, which then turns into sugar. So you can’t work out. Light toning is fine, but that’s it.
So there I was in January bulging out of my size eighteens and feeling genuinely miserable. I didn’t know if I could do it or not. But all I could see when I looked in the mirror was my mother, so I was determined to give it all I could.
As of today, May 24th, 2011, I weigh 154 pounds and am a size ten. I haven’t been this small since I was seventeen, and I’m actually only nine pounds heavier than I was exactly half a lifetime ago. Not bad after being so heavy and giving birth.
I don’t want to sound like an infomercial, but Ideal Protein isn’t a diet. It’s a change of life. For the first time, I’m eating healthy. And what’s more, I LIKE IT. There are so many foods out there I’d never tried, so many ways to cook I was clueless about. I eat the right sized portions, and I’m full. There’s no digging through the cabinets forty-five minutes after a meal.
It wasn’t easy. There were days I wanted to scream and cry at the idea of taking another bite of celery or broccoli, or watching my family eat pasta when I couldn’t. I would literally salivate over chocolate and didn’t think I could go another second. And then I would step on the scale or try on something I hadn’t been able to wear in years and it would not only fit but be too big! Weekly success gave me the willpower to push forward.
The diet officially ends this Thursday after two weeks of slowly introducing healthy carbs back into my system. After that, I’ll be on what’s called the ‘maintenance phase,’ which is simply eating smart while enjoying one cheat day a week. I’ve been able to start exercising, and the difference in my physical ability is amazing with sixty-four pounds gone.
Everything about my life has been affected by losing weight. I’m happier, more content. I feel more attractive. I have more energy. My writing has increased, and my overall attitude about life is better. I’m no longer the fat wife or chubby friend. I’m Stacy, the person I’ve always wanted to be.
And for the first time, I feel in control of my life and health. I finally have the tools to keep the weight off.
Staying thin will always be a work in progress. But the accomplishment of such a big goal is one I am very proud of, and the knowledge that I could see the diet through until the end is extremely empowering.
If I can do that, I can do anything.
Robin Lythgoe
Wow, what an amazing story. I'm glad you shared it, and I'm so happy for you! Keep up the great work!
Thanks so much. I debated about it because I didn't want to sound like an advertisement, but it's changed my life. I wanted others out there like me to know they had options.
Laura Kaye
Truly inspiring, Stacy! Congratulations!
Jen J. Danna
Stacy, that is fantastic! You're an inspiration to us all (definitely to me… having two kids and being sedentary did NOT do me any favours). I've lost 30 lb's since February, but you just knock my socks off! Be proud of yourself; that's a very great accomplishment. And you probably just gave yourself an extra 10+ years of life…
Laura and Jen, thank you both so much. I just wanted to share with everyone in the hopes of helping others like me realize they aren't alone.Jen, I completely understand about being sedentary. I've always leaned that way and staying at home with my daughter only made it worse.30 lbs is awesome! You should be very proud as well!
Boy, that was empowering! I do know where you're coming from.At eighteen, I weighed 118 lbs. By the time I was 23, I weighed 200 lbs. This was back in the mid-90s, when low-fat was the craze, so I did it. I lost back down to my 118 lbs, and have kept it off for fifteen years (I'm 38).You have done something not everyone can do, and you have plenty to be proud of. Keep up with your maintenance. I am proof you can permanently lose weight.
I'm glad! That's the reason I decided to share. And WOW, awesome for you losing all of that and keeping it off for so long. Huge accomplishment.Thank you so much for the comment and encouragement:)
Halli Gomez
That is a wonderful post. Congrats on the dedication! Weight is something I think all women struggle with – just as much emotionally as physically. You are an inspiration to others. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Halli!I think most women struggle with it as well, and it's definitely as much emotional as it is physical. You're very welcome, and thank you for the comment!
Stacy S. Jensen
Very inspiring Stacy. (Found you after reading a comment you made on a Writer Unboxed post.) Best of luck on your next phase.
Thanks so much! Glad you found me:) Just had my final official appointment today … feeling a bit odd, lol.
Heya Stacy -what a remarkable story, congrats! The diet seems quite similar to the Candida diet (for yeast infections) which I'm looking into currently (I'm not overweight per se, but there's something that is messing with my system that I need to get under control or it may cause problems in the future. It's good to know there is something else I can look into if the Candida diet doesn’t work.
Thanks. Ideal Protein is an amazing diet. It's really not a diet at all – it's a life changing deal. You learn to eat right, which was big for me.
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Your story is like exactly mine. Except, I am a 22 and I hate it. I am determined to start this soon, thank you so much for your insight. I was sort of on the fence but I really think Ideal Protein is going to be amazing.
Four years later, I have gained a lot of the weight back. Ideal Protein works well, but you have to understand how to keep it off. The problem with it that you lose a lot of muscle mass in ketosis, so when you start eating normally, even in maintenance and healthy eating, you don’t have enough muscle to burn the fat. My coach never told me this. If you decide to do it, try to walk at least 30 min a day or do very light yoga, and once you’re on maintenance start exercising or you will gain back. It was really rough on me, and I struggled to lose again. I’m now watching carbs and calories and running, and I am seeing a huge difference.
Good luck!
Thanks for sharing your story. I am on week 2 of the Ideal Protein diet and have lost about 7.5 pounds. I get scared hearing about the maintenance mode – and the adding back of carbs. I don’t want to work this hard to have it come back on. What would you say caused the weight gain? Lack of exercise? only? Or how about sugar – did you add that back to your diet? (Or just healthy carbs?) How about emotional eating? I am praying. This diet is the first one that actually makes sense to me. I’m 43 and I’ve tried a lot of things. I just have this sneaking suspicion that I may have to stay off sugar for life. And keep very low carbs…!
Thanks again,
Hi Jen,
This is one of those posts I should have turned off. I would never do ideal protein again, and I assume you’re asking me what caused me to gain back. I think it’s because Ideal Protein/low carb is unrealistic for long term. I gained back a good chunk by just eating a balanced diet. If I had to point to one thing, it would be sugar. You definitely need to make sure you don’t have more than 4-6 teaspoons of added sugar a day. Fruit is fine, but you can’t have lots of apples or bananas. Berries are best. Plain Greek yogurt, not the kind with fruit in it, because it’s added sugar. IMO, Weight Watchers is a much better long term success option because you can exercise during it, and that’s a big part of the package especially for women. You need to build muscle. So I guess the best advice I have for you is to take the money you’re spending on Ideal and use it on a nutritionist who’s actually college educated in health/fitness, etc., not someone who’s been trained in low carb plans. I hope this helps, and good luck!