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Manic Monday: Big Girl Panties and Being Thankful

Due to this post from Roni Loren (thank you for the warning, Roni) I’ve decided to remove most photos. 

I bemoaned my query/manuscript woes yesterday, and you guys were great about putting up with me. Thank you all for letting me vent, but enough of the whining. It’s time to put on my big girl panties and stop being so hard on myself.

I wrote a book. Then I shelved it and wrote another. And in the process of writing that book, I found myself. I finally knew what I wanted to be when a grew up and realized that just maybe, I had a shot at pulling it off. More importantly, I found an incredible group of people who know exactly what I’m going through. They don’t think I’m neurotic for obsessing over a single line for an hour..or three. They don’t bat an eye when I say I’ve written YET ANOTHER query hook, and I’m sure this is the one. Instead, they stick out their virtual hands and read the damn thing. And when I post about all my silly writing issues, they don’t ignore me or tell me to suck it up. My writing friends give me a virtual hug and a gentle kick in the butt.

Thank you.


What else am I thankful for? Glad you asked!

1. My health. I lost 65 pounds this year and have maintained it. I spend a lot of time kicking myself for not losing ten more or doing yoga regularly, but not today. I’m proud and incredibly grateful for dropping the weight. My life has changed for the better in ways Fat Stacy couldn’t have imagined.

2. My brother. Most of you know one of my brothers has terminal cancer. We don’t know how much time he’s got left, but it’s not much. I’m so thankful for the time I got to spend with him a few weeks ago. It makes the loss just a little easier to take.

3. My wonderful daughter. She’s a precocious, intelligent, outgoing, and sometimes mouthy five(almost six)year-old, and she’s changed my life for the better, x100.

4. My amazing husband. Most of my family and friends thought we wouldn’t last, but we’ll be married thirteen years in May.

5. Chocolate. Let’s face it: the stuff should be one of the seven wonders of the world.


6. Jersey Shore. Because there’s always someone to point and laugh at.

7. Health Insurance. Even if my premiums are going up, I’m grateful my husband has a job that provides great medical, dental, and vision insurance. Don’t take that for granted!

8. Moisturizer. Every girl over 30 MUST own some. I recommend SkinCeuticals.

9. The sexy pair of boots I just bought. They hurt like hell, but they look good!

10, A warm home, food in my belly, a decent car to drive, money in my bank account.


What are you thankful for this year? How has the online writing community helped your writing?

24 comments on… “Manic Monday: Big Girl Panties and Being Thankful”

  1. Congrats on maintaining your successful weight loss! We all have so much to be thankful for and your post is inspirational. I should think more about what I have to be thankful for these days with the down-turn in the economy, the dissatisfied protesters and hunger around the world while we’ll be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanks for sharing!

    • Thank you so much. I’m happy I can inspire others. If I can lose the weight, anyone can. Keeping it off is actually the hardest part.

      And you’re absolutely right. At this point, we should all be happy to have job and food.

  2. 65 pounds is an amazing accomplishment, Stacy. I stand in awe, really.
    Your daughter is adorable!
    So glad you can recount so many things to be thankful for. Thank you for the reminder to count our blessings. Hope your Thanksgiving is peaceful and joyous.

    • Thank you. I’m still amazed myself because I don’t know how I had the willpower, lol. I’m searching for it as I speak!

      You’re very welcome. I’m glad the post resonated with you, and have a happy holiday as well:)

  3. That’s a good list. 🙂 I agree, the mywana community has been amazing. So many people sent get-well wishes when I was sick. I’ve met awesome people to talk story ideas with. Everyone is wonderful.

    I am also thankful for my health insurance. I’m thankful for a job. And for my mom who doesn’t get upset when my life’s plans don’t go accordingly and who said she was proud of me even though I didn’t pass my certification test the first time around.

    • Thank you, Angela! I’ve been busy with querying today (and life, lol!), but I meant to congratulate you on your release. I hope Elemental Magic is a huge success.

      The online writing community is an amazing place, isn’t it? I’m so glad to be a part of it.

      And I bet you’re thankful for health insurance. You had a tough go of it for a while. That’s wonderful about your mom, too. We need more like her.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I’ve been so grateful for the opportunity to stay home and write. I know that so many fellow writers do not have that circumstance, and I applaud them for their amazing work. I also know that my situation may not last forever. (Don’t even say the word “plumbing” right now, or I might talk your ear off about my financial woes in that department this past year.) I am also incredibly thankful for my family and friends. My friends now include a group of supportive writers, many of whom I’ve yet to meet in person.

    Great stuff, Stacy! It sounds like your year has been a good one, with the major exception of your brother’s illness. I’m glad that you have even found something to be thankful for there. (Oh yeah, sexy boots are totally great.)

    • Me, too. No way could I work outside the house and write. I just don’t have it in me, and I give major props to those that do. LOL, I won’t say the p-word then.

      It’s amazing how many great friends we find online nowadays. Many of the people I trust the most are online, and I certainly never thought I’d say that.

      Thanks, Julie. It really has. I don’t have much to complain about. My brother has been stronger than anyone through this, so I don’t feel I have the right to get down.

  5. Pingback: It’s the Little Things… | Sonia G Medeiros

  6. Great post, Stacy. You always bring a smile to my face.

    How has the writing community helped me? The wonderful writer and blogging friends that I have made over the past year have helped keep me sane and helped push me beyond where I could have pushed myself. I am thankful for each of you every single day.

    I learn from you guys….and you make learning fun! 🙂

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Thanks so much, girl. You, too. Your posts are always among my faves.

      I love hearing about how the community has helped you. Even though writing is an extremely competitive business, it’s also more supportive than most.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  7. I’m thankful to have people who love me, a warm place to sleep, and food to eat. And I’m thankful of the happiness my little dog has added to my life.

    I am also thankful for my writing friends. I am forever surprised–and grateful–you all tolerate me. 😀

    • 🙂 I love hearing all that, especially about Cosmo. He’s such a snuggly little ball of spoiled!

      You know how thankful I am we got together. How you tolerate my various neuroses is beyond me!;)

  8. What a beautiful list, Stacy! You are an amazing woman and I’m so glad to virtually know you 🙂
    Congratulation on your weight loss, on your marriage, on the happy family life. I’m so sorry about your brother. I hope this Thanksgiving you guys will spend a lot of time together.

    Good luck with the query process! Happy Thanksgiving.

    Oh, I’m posting about what I’m thankful for tomorrow (Wednesday) — there is so much, I don’t want to take up a lot of space here 🙂

    • Thank you so much! I felt a little corny with this post, so your comment means a lot.

      This Thanksgiving is tough in terms of my brother, but we’re trying to focus on the positives.

      I hope you have a wonderful holiday as well!

  9. Woot woot – so much to be grateful for Stacy! Love your list. I am wearing my sexy boots today and they…well…aren’t like walking in slippers, I’ll say that but damn it if they don’t look hot! LOL!
    65 pounds – you rock girl!
    You’ve accomplished sooo much and you should be sooo proud!! I know we all are of you!!
    Here’s to one hell of a year ahead….xoxox

    • I wore mine today and my feet are killing me. But they made me feel sexy, and that’s really all that matters!

      Thank you. It’s more of a struggle to keep it off than to take it off, and that’s something I’ve had to come to terms with over the summer.

      Excellent, and you, too. Great things coming for both of us!

  10. Congrats on losing 65 pounds – that’s quite an accomplishment and I know how much better it makes you feel! I shed 45 three years ago, got to my target weight and looked and felt great. I put 30 of them back on when I started writing again, because I couldn’t figure out how to work all day, write all night, and still get off the butt to exercise : ). I’ve regained my balance since July and have 15 of those back off again, and like you am so thankful to be in the right groove in that respect.

    The writing community has helped me in soooo many ways this year. From sharing goals and frustrations to writing prompts and critiques, blogging and meeting other writers has helped me grow so much this year. I count you among my wonderful writing friends, so thank you!

    • Good for you for regaining your balance! Yes, it’s really hard when you want (need) to write most of the day and then find time to fit exercise in. I hate to exercise, which is why I have to watch what I eat like a hawk unless I want to gain weight back. I’m determined to start exercising on Monday because I feel so much better.

      Love hearing how much the writing community has helped you! It’s an amazing place, and I’m proud to be a part of it.

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